Emily Sims is a Senior Specialist in the ILO Programme on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy and manager of the ILO Helpdesk for Business. She has been involved in drafting of the labour component of various key responsible business conduct instruments and has provided technical assistance to a range of industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives, as well as providing guidance to individual companies. Her work also focuses on promotion of sustainable and responsible investment through investment promotion and management of sustainable special economic zones. She is the author of numerous articles and co-author of two books: Corporate Success through People and Labour-Management Cooperation in SMEs: Forms and Factors.
Emily is trained at the graduate level in both law and economics (Juris Doctor, Yale Law School; MSc in economics, London School of Economics). She is a faculty member of the Master in Sustainability and Energy Management at Bocconi University, which is ranked No. 1 globally for sustainable development and environmental management.